Sunday, August 12, 2012

Homemade Pasta

The first time I made homemade pasta was something of a revelation.  For some reason I've always thought that making pasta at home was exceedingly difficult, involving multiple arcane steps and fancy flour and equipment.  Except it isn't, it doesn't, and you can just use things you have at home.  If you want to impress people with your fresh pasta, just don't tell them how simple it is.

You will need:
2 cups flour (all purpose or whole wheat)
2 eggs
1/2 cup water 
1 tablespoon salt

1.  In a medium sized bowl combine the flour, salt, and eggs.  Add sufficient water so that the dough combines but is not overly sticky (1).
2.  Place dough on a liberally floured surface.  Knead for about 5 minutes.  If you find the dough is sticking to the surface (or your hands) add more flour.
3.  Roll out dough until it is thin enough that you can see light through it when you hold it up to a window or light source (2)
4.  Cut the dough into individual noodles.  I find just cutting the rolled out dough into strips to be easiest.  Spread noodles onto you floured surface and let dry while you boil water in a large pot.  Make sure noodles don't stick to each other.
5.  Place noodles in boiling water for about 3-5 minutes.  Then remove and enjoy.

Serve with anything.  I like roasted garlic, raw tomato, some basil, and a dash of balsamic vinegar in the summer and a homemade tomato sauce (3) in the winter, but there are no rules when it comes to accessorizing noodles. 

1.  The exact amount of water needed will depend on the types of eggs, type of flour, or any of a million other variables.  Don't worry too much if you end up needing more or less water than called for by the recipe.  If your dough is falling apart, add more water.  If you add too much water, add more flour.
2.  I've never used a pasta machine to make pasta and I've only used a rolling pin once.  Most of the time I just use the closest clean jar and roll out the dough in batches.  
3.  Look for that recipe soon.  Homemade tomato sauce is even easier to make than fresh pasta.

Pasta with Tomatos and Fresh Basil

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